Does Brady have the Zebras on his Fave5?
I am a Bills fan. I'm just going to let you know that now, so you can stop reading if you think that this is going to be a load of crap. Now if you are still reading this then I assume that you either agree with me or you just want to hear what I have to say. For your sake, hopefully both.
Growing up in New England I have had the chance to watch the Patriots through the years and have seen my fair share of dazzling Brady performances. However I have come to realize that New England's second coming of Jesus usually gets calls to swing in his favor. At first I was reluctant to make such an observation, because I believe that Tom Brady is a very good quarterback and a World-Class guy. Over the past few weeks this point of mine has been proven further and further. It seems that Brady and his top-notch coach Bill Belichick are able to almost talk referees out of making certain calls. One such call comes to my mind recently and that was two weeks ago against the Minnesota Vikings. The score was 17-7 and the Vikings were driving, playing quite well actually. It was third and long and the Vikes had to convert or else the would have to punt because they were out of reach of a field goal by Ryan Longwell. Brad Johnson attempted to throw it down field but changed his mind last minute when he saw Jermaine Wiggins wide open on the weak side of the defense. Brad threw the pass low so the lineback Mike Vrabel couldn't come over the top of Wiggins and catch it. Wiggins made a tough, but good catch to get the first down and keep a Vikings drive alive, starting to gain momentum in their favor. Soon enough Bill and Brady were in the Line Judge's ear and after about ten seconds the call was overturned without any indication of a challenge. The replays CLEARLY showed the it was indeed a catch and that the referees used poor judgement to over turn a call that they had gotten correct. No coach or player should ever be able to argue a ref out of a call, only instant replay should be used to determine if the call was correct or not. I can name several other occasions where this is true in Patriots games. I am not writing this because I dislike Brady or Belichick, because in fact I respect both of them as division rivals. I am not even writing about Bills-Patriots games for the fear that you won't take me seriously. If you live in New England and are a Patriots fan you are most likely too naive to see that this does indeed happen. Sure you can argue it or defend your team, but people outside of the Patriots fan base are slowly starting to realize that this has become norm fo the "Darling Team of the NFL." I do not think there is any bribery or anything illegal like that, but I do think there is something fishy going on here.
So as long as the Pats keep getting the calls, Mr. Zebra and Co. will remain on Mr. Brady's "Fave5"
*All naming rights to "Fave5" are owned and operated by T-Mobile Cellular Company. Any misuse of this name without written consent of the company will face prosecution. 2005.
Growing up in New England I have had the chance to watch the Patriots through the years and have seen my fair share of dazzling Brady performances. However I have come to realize that New England's second coming of Jesus usually gets calls to swing in his favor. At first I was reluctant to make such an observation, because I believe that Tom Brady is a very good quarterback and a World-Class guy. Over the past few weeks this point of mine has been proven further and further. It seems that Brady and his top-notch coach Bill Belichick are able to almost talk referees out of making certain calls. One such call comes to my mind recently and that was two weeks ago against the Minnesota Vikings. The score was 17-7 and the Vikings were driving, playing quite well actually. It was third and long and the Vikes had to convert or else the would have to punt because they were out of reach of a field goal by Ryan Longwell. Brad Johnson attempted to throw it down field but changed his mind last minute when he saw Jermaine Wiggins wide open on the weak side of the defense. Brad threw the pass low so the lineback Mike Vrabel couldn't come over the top of Wiggins and catch it. Wiggins made a tough, but good catch to get the first down and keep a Vikings drive alive, starting to gain momentum in their favor. Soon enough Bill and Brady were in the Line Judge's ear and after about ten seconds the call was overturned without any indication of a challenge. The replays CLEARLY showed the it was indeed a catch and that the referees used poor judgement to over turn a call that they had gotten correct. No coach or player should ever be able to argue a ref out of a call, only instant replay should be used to determine if the call was correct or not. I can name several other occasions where this is true in Patriots games. I am not writing this because I dislike Brady or Belichick, because in fact I respect both of them as division rivals. I am not even writing about Bills-Patriots games for the fear that you won't take me seriously. If you live in New England and are a Patriots fan you are most likely too naive to see that this does indeed happen. Sure you can argue it or defend your team, but people outside of the Patriots fan base are slowly starting to realize that this has become norm fo the "Darling Team of the NFL." I do not think there is any bribery or anything illegal like that, but I do think there is something fishy going on here.
So as long as the Pats keep getting the calls, Mr. Zebra and Co. will remain on Mr. Brady's "Fave5"
*All naming rights to "Fave5" are owned and operated by T-Mobile Cellular Company. Any misuse of this name without written consent of the company will face prosecution. 2005.
and who knows if this "dynasty" would have ever happend if the now infamous "tuck rule" had been called differently
They still had to win the game after that tuck rule incident.
And maybe it's actually true that the harder you work, the luckier you get.
- Brian
it's true they had to win the game, but they would (and should)have lost it had it not been for that ruling.
sorry brian your quote can not be possibly true.....ex: bills and cubs are two very hard working franchises.....they aren't very lucky
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